Mortimer Adler, philosophy, religion

Talking With Mortimer Adler On “How To Think About God”

With Mortimer Adler

Added 9.18.18. Milt in this vintage 1980 broadcast talks with noted philosopher, educator and author Mortimer Adler about his then-new book, “How To Think About God: A Guide For The 20th Century Pagan.” His central contention is that “there are rational grounds for believing that God exists.” Milt, a self-admitted “20th Century Pagan,” spars in a friendly but probing manner with Adler about how non-believers should approach the idea of God, if at all. Adler was a prolific writer and influential popular intellectual of the 20th Century. Early in his career he was appointed a professor of the philosophy of law at the University of Chicago Law School. Among many other pursuits, he later co-founded the Great Books Of The Western World program, and served as an editorial director for Encyclopedia Britannica. Among his dozens of other books were, “How To Read A Book,” “The Capitalist Manifesto,” “The Idea Of Freedom,” “Reforming Education,” and “How To Think About The Great Ideas.”


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