Can We Talk Honestly About Race?

With Harry Stein

Harry Stein, former liberal and now aggrieved conservative (it happens a lot in New York) has run all the risks in his book of last year, now retitled Why We Won’t Talk Honestly About Race. Honesty begins, he asserts, with the full recognition and examination of the two separate Black  Americas.  In this conversation he holds forth on the various “let’s pretends” that help to perpetuate the dysfunctional world to which “inner city” young blacks have been consigned. Among the great pretenses are: fathers don’t matter; crime has nothing to do with race; multiculturalism makes for better education. Yes, to be sure,  Stein risks being defamed as “politically incorrect.” But someone has to do it and no other we know does it with as much clarity, verve and restorative good humor.


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