Exploring The Life And Work Of “The Jewish Mark Twain” – Sholom Aleichem
Added 10.24.18. Milt interviews the Peabody Award-winning film documentarist Joseph Dorman upon the 2011 release of his film, “Sholom Aleichem: Laughing In The Darkness.” To many, Aleichem is known mainly as the writer who work gave rise to “Fiddler On The Roof.” Accordingly, Dorman tells Milt, he thought of Aleichem as “a dusty Jewish humorist of the past.” But looking more closely, he says he discovered “the greatest Jewish writer of the modern era.” The conversation explores the how and why, including historical and social context of Aleichem’s work, as Jewish immigrants to the U.S. were bridging the gap between the old and new worlds. The film was one of the top-grossing documentaries of 2011. Dorman co-wrote a famed 2001 documentary on Arctic explorer Ernest Shackleton; produced the 1998 documentary “Arguing The World;” and is at work on new documentaries – one about Israel and the Middle East, and another on a noted AIDS pediatrician. He teaches at NYU, and is a former PBS news magazine senior producer.