The Lies, Truths, And Methods Of History
Added 3.14.19. Schopenauer famously posited, “Clio, the muse of history, is as thoroughly infected with lies as a street whore with syphilis.” Cicero, by contrast, said, “the first law of writing history is truth.” Napoleon thought, “history is the invention of historians.” How history is constructed – and to what degree we can trust it, is the subject of this conversation between Milt and three historians. Sheila Fitzpatrick was then a professor of history at The University of Chicago, now at University of Sydney, and specializes in modern Russia. Among her books: “On Stalin’s Team: The Years of Living Dangerously In Soviet Politics.” Chris Boyer is a professor of history at the University of Illinois – Chicago and focused on Mexico and Latin America. He authored “Political Landscapes: Forests, Conservation, And Community In Mexico.” Edward Muir is a Northwestern University historian, expert in the Italian Renaissance. Among his books is “Mad Blood Stirring: Vendetta And Factions In Friuli During The Renaissance.”