Talking With Mortimer Adler On “How To Think About God”
Added 9.18.18. Milt in this vintage 1980 broadcast talks with noted philosopher, educator and author Mortimer Adler about his then-new book, “How To Think About God: A Guide For The 20th Century Pagan.” His central contention is that “there are rational grounds for believing that God exists.” Milt, a self-admitted “20th Century Pagan,” spars in a friendly but probing manner with Adler about how non-believers should approach the idea of God, if at all. Adler was a prolific writer and influential popular intellectual of the 20th Century. Early in his career he was appointed a professor of the philosophy of law at the University of Chicago Law School. Among many other pursuits, he later co-founded the Great Books Of The Western World program, and served as an editorial director for Encyclopedia Britannica. Among his dozens of other books were, “How To Read A Book,” “The Capitalist Manifesto,” “The Idea Of Freedom,” “Reforming Education,” and “How To Think About The Great Ideas.”