The State Of Modern Psychiatry
Added 6.5.18. The practice of psychiatry in recent decades has grown in sophistication and diagnostic capabilities. Milt in this 2010 probe discusses the state of modern psychiatry with three prominent researcher-practitioners. They are: Mani Pavuluri, Founding Director of the Pediatric Mood Disorders Program, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine; Will Cronenwett, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavorial Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; and Murali Rao, Department Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, Loyola University Medicial Center. They delve into a range of topics, including: the hard-wiring of the human brain; how advances in biomedical technology and analysis have fostered earlier detection and treatment of psychiatric pathologies; and the ongoing tension between the need for involuntary treatment and the individual’s right to autonomy. Discussants also briefly wrestle with whether, in fact, the world’s vast proportion of psychiatrists are based in the United States, and what that might mean.