T’was A Famous Victory: Why? How? And What Now?
We drew together two members of our “A-Team” and a major Democratic strategist. They are: old friend and regular Chris Robling; the Chicago Tribune’s great editorial cartoonist, Scott Stantis: and joining us for the first time, Kevin Lampe who really is and has long been an election manager and consultant for Democratic party candidates.
Our friendly combatants zero in on a number of expected and unexpected issues and questions.
Among them are:
- T-Tip. Whazzat?
- Obama’s personality as a factor in the great humiliation of his party;
- 32 million green cards for illegals and Republican responsibility for encouraging border-jumping;
- As campaigners, all new Republican SenatorsĀ called for full repeal of Obamacare;
- How the life of one of the discussants may have been saved by Obamacare;
- The banning of theĀ pipeline and the planned death of coal;
- Hillary as failed campaigner;
- The continuing war within the Republican Party;
- Obama’s penchant for “executive actions” and what the new majority (and the Supreme Court?) might do about it;
- Racism, sexism, homophobia and the minimum wage as worn-out Democratic ploys;
- And, oh yes, our problems elsewhere, including Iraq, ISIS, Putin and Ukraine, the Chinese challenge