Milt Rosenberg interviews Arianna Huffington in 1973

Vintage Arianna Huffington, On “The Female Woman” – Emancipation Vs. Liberation

With Arianna Huffington

Added 5.15.18. In this brief historical excerpt shortly following the 1973 publication of a young, Cambridge-educated Arianna Huffington’s critique of Western feminism, “The Female Woman,” Milt opens the disquisition with an admittedly chauvinist question: “What’s a nice Greek girl like you doing taking on the women’s liberation movement?” Arianna explains that although there has been no shortage of male chauvinist pigs to which she has been exposed in her homeland, and while she fully supports equal opportunity and equal pay, she was “repelled” by modern Western feminism for denigrating traditional female values and roles. Then she faces callers to the show.


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