Why Does Philosophy Matter?
Added 1.30.19. Dim that PC, pause the iPod, put down the iPhone. Quick, now: if the point of life were to perfect the soul and the intellect, how would you go about it? Surely not by sharing another “viral” cat video. Such are the challenges posed by the discipline of philosophy, Platonic branch. Diving deep but as always, keeping it accessible and lively, Milt in this 2010 episode is joined by learned guest Kenneth Seeskin, a professor of Jewish Civilization at Northwestern University. They chart what’s inside and outside the circles of the Venn Diagram connecting the Bible, and the essential Greek, Jewish, Catholic and Muslim philosophers. Philo Judaeus, Maimonides, Spinozza, St. Thomas Acquinas and the Koran all get their due. Seeskin’s books include “The Cambridge Companion To Maimonides,” “Maimonides On The Origin Of The World,” and “Jewish Philosophy In A Secular Age.”