The Ancient Greeks And Their Stories
With Phillip Freeman, Jonathan HallAdded 11.14.18. If the Greek gods of antiquity were alive today, their lives would make for maximum clickbait. Their heroic exploits were equalled only by their grand appetites for sin and self-regard. Naturally, there is much to mine from their legends. With two noted classics scholars Milt delves into the gods of the Greek pantheon in ancient mythology, and follows the thread forward in history to trace their influence on the development of modern thought, religion, moral codes, and storytelling. One guest is Phillip Freeman – then of Luther College, and now Chair of Western Culture at Pepperdine University. He was author of the then-newly released, “Oh My Gods: A Modern Re-telling of Greek And Roman Myths.” The other guest: University of Chicago professor of humanities, history and classics Jonathan M. Hall, author – among other volumes – of “History Of The Archaic Greek World, 1200-479 B.C.“