Categories: media

The Times and Convictions of a Conservative Publisher

With Alfred S. Regnery

We bandy about the words “liberal” and “conservative” as we discuss just about anything in the realm of public policy or private preference. In this conversation from 2008 we examine the history of conservative thought from Edmund Burke to the present. Our guide ran the conservative publishing house (simply “Regnery”) for many years.


The Voices On The Commercials….

With Harlan Hogan, Joel Corey, Lisa Lewis and a guy called Ron

…whether in radio or television are provided by “voice-over actors,” many of whom pursue their special trade (it’s really a very special art!) in Chicago. Here are four of them telling the secrets of the trade, invoking their many voices and having a good gossip session one night back in 2002. One of them is the famous Joel Corey who was the snap in Kellog’s  “snap, crackle and pop.”


The “Infamous Scribblers” Of Early America

With Eric Burns
The term was used at the time to describe the leading journalists who defamed Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams and Washington himself.  In 2006 Eric Burns did a detailed and fascinating book about them and their temptation toward blackmail. Here he is in a memorable discussion on the eve of the publication of his book and its startling revelations. We’re reminded of just how low was the point from which American political journalism began.

Are We Running Out Of Public Intellectuals?

With Richard Posner, Ron Grossman

According to Richard Posner, a public intellectual uses general ideas drawn from history, philosophy and the sciences to analyze public problems and issues of general concern. George Orwell is an example of a great public intellectual, says Judge Posner – who goes on to argue that they don’t make them as they used to. In this vigorous conversation from 2002, Posner and Ron Grossman run through a large list of “intellectuals” who presume to explain – through their writing and broadcasting – what’s right, wrong and worth conserving or rejecting in contemporary society.
