The Copernicus Backstory
With Dava SobelAdded 9/10/18. Milt in this 2012 episode interviews popular science author Dava Sobel about the subject of her then-latest book, “A More Perfect Heaven: How Copernicus Revolutionized The Cosmos.” The Renaissance mathematician and astronomer played it cagey on proofs and details after in 1510 issuing notice that the universe revolved in fact, around the sun, not the earth, as had been long supposed. Frustratingly, he kept the details private for several decades thereafter. So how was it that he eventually came to “show his work” in 1542? Sobel in her book sandwiches a provocative fictional treatment of the subject in the form of a play, in between nonfiction sections. She and Milt explore the life and times – and informed speculation surrounding – the man behind the Heliocentric breakthrough.